Saturday, June 21, 2008

So, for a while there I was hooked on these GPTC sites and to earn .50 I actually signed up on Honestly, there was no reason for me to sign up to that site. I've been looking for two of my old friends for a while now and had finally come to the conclusion that it's just not going to happen. Well, wouldn't you know it, I checked my email this morning and there was a message from classmates letting me know that someone had 'asked for my story'. Bingo! That's one down, still need to connect with, but at least I know she's alive & well somewhere!

I wasn't what you might call a loner in school, but I kept my closest friends to a serious minimum. Those that actually meant the most to me have managed to either find me or for me to find them over the years and that's what counts. I don't think my kids realize it's not the number of friends you have, but the QUALITY of friends you have. The twins are super popular in school, much of that is simply because they are twins. Each is different though, so at school Jamie hangs with the boys, Alex hangs with the girls & they have 2 friends that they are super close to and do things with outside of school. Justin, however, I worry about him. He seems to have a very hard time making friends and I really don't know how to help him. This seems to me a problem that a parent should be able to handle without going to counseling or anything like that. The boy has a heart of gold, he's kind, generous and shows empathy toward other children. He's overweight and I think that he gets picked on at school, not that he would ever tell me, but he does have one friend that tell's HIS mom to tell ME. I love that kid and I'm glad he is Justin's friend.

I'm still loving Swaptree. I've made several trades this week, am waiting on my books to arrive, hopefully within the next few days. I also scored reeeally big on my hunt for JA Jance books when I made a quick trip into the Goodwill bookstore on Thursday. It's a great start.
