Wednesday, June 18, 2008

~Multiple Exciting Events~
First & foremost, the twins got their letters today that they passed their Project SOAR tests. That's 4 for 4! I make beautiful and extremely intelligent children, that's my reason for being in this life! Woohoo!

Secondly, My girl is going to come home to recover/recuperate/whatever from this damn stress fracture. She only earned the title of Marine 2 months ago and already she's 'broken' as they say. That was my worst fear when she left for boot camp, what if they BREAK HER??? Everyone said, well, that's kind of what they do, they break them down and build them back up... umm... heh, I mean LITERALLY what if they BREAK her? Now it's gone and happened! Grr.. hopefully by being off her leg for a while it will start to heal.

Third, this is seriously the coolest thing ever IMO. Trade your used books for books you haven't read yet. This is the best solution I've found since there are no used book stores near me. Fantastic idea. I'm sending out 2 books tomorrow, will get 2 books in trade that I've been searching everywhere for... my cost, media mail postage! Well worth it when you figure in the cost of gas these days.

Another cool site is Book Crossing - Think Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants - only for books. It's a great concept and I'm thinking about a few books I have that I would readily release into the wild.
