Saturday, April 14, 2007

~*~So Worth Missing Dinner~*~

Last night turned out to be pretty special. I discovered something about myself that I thought was lost & gone forever (I do love Guster!). I still retain a sense of humor. After 6 years of marriage and only remembering ONE anniversary, hubby & I both remembered that day this year and it was a monumentous occasion. We actually deigned to celebrate.

Most of our day was spent perusing the luscious offerings at Ikea... what a treat! Ikea is my new best friend. We had planned to eat dinner at The Cheesecake factory but it appeared to be Prom night in Atlanta both of the most convenient locations were packed to overflowing. At the last minute hubby decided he wanted to catch a comedy show. Ok, cool. Last time we tried going to The Punchline was for one of our first dates. The man was going to take me to see Judy. Unfortunately, the nanny at the time tagged along and of course as she was underage she wouldn't be allowed in. I couldn't leave her sitting in the car for 2 hours, so we didn't see the show. Anyway, last night on the way to a 3rd CKF location we popped by The Punchline, grabbed tickets for the 10pm show. Ended up not having enough time to make it to the 3rd CKF location, eat & get back, so we settled on Mexican for dinner. Not great, but oh well.

The headliner last night was Greg Warren. Opening was Derrick Tennant, then Mike Speenberg. I laughed so hard I was crying and my rib cage is still hurting today!!! Talk about hilarity at it's best. I will most definitely be going to see both of them again. Oh, Greg, he just didn't hit my funny bone. No, I won't be spending my husband's hard earned money to see him again... but that's just ME!

Derrick Tennant has the most amazing eyes and an immediately infectious smile. Very disarming, enough so that you don't realize almost until he makes a quip about 'Lefty' that his left arm is paralyzed. The man is extremely easy on the eyes as well. Lefty (don't ask... says Derrick) was a featured part of his act, but he drew on human nature and stereotyping like it was simply air being spun into gold. Go see him, you WILL laugh, you WILL want more and you WILL be a fan. No doubt. Derrick Tennant!!

Mike Speenberg's act drew from life. Simply put, he's an 80's kinda guy. Something about Mike just makes you hover on the edge of your seat waiting for the next word out of his mouth. I honestly thought I'd lost the ability to laugh wholeheartedly until last night. Yes, I was laughing so hard I thought I was going to pee myself! I'm not ashamed to admit it. Anyone who grew up in the 80's will appreciate Mike best, he has the ability to make you remember things you thought you had completely forgotten (in my case, shut out!) and remember them fondly! Go see Mike, you will be sooooo glad you did! Ooooh yeah... check out his podcast here Speenberg Radio.

Go! Go NOW!