Thursday, January 10, 2008

Today is the first day of the rest of my knitting life....

So, I've been almost obsessed since I found out I can make money FOR REAL online. It's cool, it's fun and guess what? I've decided that by mid summer whatever money I have accumulated will be divided up between paying for 4H camp and YARN!

For months and months and months now, I have lusted after a hank or two of soy silk that lurks on the shelves at the LYS. Problem is, I want to make something fantastic with it and of course, fantastic typically takes a large amount of yarn and soy silk tends to be umm... pricey!

I seldom indulge in really good yarn because I don't like giving my things as gifts (my friends all have plenty of my knitting) and I can't sell the damn things so it has to be for me.

There is this really cool crocheted midi vest pattern that I'm in love with. But, it's crochet and it's written in stupidese. No gauge, no accurate measurements, but hey it's a 70's pattern so what can ya expect, but I have to say this, it's a damn wonder anybody knitted or crocheted anything in the 70's other than the designers themselves because the patterns are nearly impossible to decipher.

In the meantime, I've got 3 sets of sexy slipper socks knitted up and ready to go into the trunk for next year's mad dash for Christmas cash. I'm thinking over the summer I'm going to do a lot of glittens too. I can't live without mine, uberwarm they are.
