Thursday, October 09, 2008

So much has happened the past few months!

We opened a store in our little town on Sept.1st. It's almost overwhelming for me because I've been out of the work force for 8 years now! Suddenly I'm working full time and still trying to be full time housekeeper/laundress/cook/chauffer... it's crazy.

Right now things are still relatively slow because we are out of the city limits. We really had no choice when looking for a location because the major real estate players in Forsyth, Georgia seem to think that they are in Atlanta! You can actually rent a quality retail space in excellent areas of the ATL metro area much cheaper than you can in this little podunk town! Also, there is the parking issue. If you were to open a store on the town square not only are you paying insane rent but there is zero parking. This was the reason my husband shut down his first store. Business drops when your customers can't park.

So, now I'm on a mission. I have always hated that there is no LYS close to me. I have to drive 35 miles to buy good yarn. I typically don't use stuff off the shelves at WalMart, that's pretty much only good for dishcloths and afghans, of which I knit neither. If I can find enough people in the area that would regularly buy yarn in our store then my husband says I can stock it. Problem is I have to have a minimum of $1000 order to start with. Needless to say funds are tight all over right now and since we have already stocked our store, it's going to be a few months until I can get it unless a miracle happens. I keep thinking about going to my bank and applying for a line of credit, but I just don't know. With the economy the way it is right now, that's just so "iffy".

Regardless of it all though, I'm going to try to write at least once a week. I did finally finish my Hempathy tank top, still need to take pics. It turned out really well considering the pattern I used. But I wear it in public and I've had several people tell me how much they like it... they just don't know I MADE IT! LOL
