Wednesday, August 06, 2008

What a wow!

As I was rounding up various school supplies for the boys I dove into my horrible closet in search of a binder & pencil pouch. What I found instead was something that really brought back some seriously good times in my life.

Way back in the day, my hubby, then boyfriend, had purchased a container for me to organize all my press releases/photos/mementos and other stuff related to my job as a music reporter. I saw that container sitting there in the back of the closet under all the clothes that I have hung on to thinking some day I'd be a size 7 again... and couldn't resist a trip down memory lane. I've just spent 2 hours looking at all the articles I wrote, the notes from interviews, press releases, press photos and personal pictures, stickers, press passes, just tons of stuff. I decided to do some weeding out and basically hung on to the things that meant the most. Like the invitation to a small private party for Shawn Mullins at his manager's house. I didn't actually get to go to that party because I was seriously preggers with the twins and on strict bed rest, but the fact that I, a lowly internet reporter, ranked an invitation was enough to make me hang on to it. There's also the memorabilia that actually got me started in the biz. Tickets, backstage pass & pre/post party invitations to an Edwin McCain concert that a friend of mine presented to me for my birthday in '99. That was an amazing night in more ways than one. I will always be greatful to my friend Bill for the best birthday ever.

The most interesting thing I found amongst all the stuff was an address book with tons of contacts in it. I seriously don't remember who half of those people are! Not sure why I hung on to that particular addy book anyway. The one that I kept all my music industry contacts in is actually in my desk. Something must have made me think that book was important though. Maybe if I look through it again later it will come to me.

Looking through the pics of me with the guys from some of the bands I interviewed made me realize that I'm aging fast. I look so damn young in all of those pictures and at the time I was already 30. Now, 9 years later, I look my age! Argh!!!

It was fun while it lasted, but doesn't the saying go "all good things must come to an end"? I miss it a lot, but I know that being a mom is the most important job I've ever had or ever will have and that's what really counts isn't it?
