Thursday, July 05, 2007

Aside from my experiment in alternative dieting, 2 things have made this a GREAT week so far.

First and most importantly... The Twin Law is now GEORGIA LAW! YES! No more battles to keep my boys together. Maybe now I can get back to just being Alex & Jamie's mom. It's important for parents to have a voice in the school system, the PTO/PTA isn't what I'm talking about, unless you are part of that 'board' you don't get listened to anyway. My children may not be considered special need by medical standards, but emotionally, all twins should be considered as special need children. Finally, a reason to applaud the legal system.

Secondly, for anyone that reads this blog that may have a friend, family member, acquaintance stationed overseas... go here MotoMail to send that person a rapid delivery mail for FREE! Excellent service. I've just found it and I've sent 3 emails that are hard copied to the Marine we have over there. I love it. No more waiting for weeks hoping snail mail reaches him. The greatest thing about MotoMail is that you can now send photomail. It's MARINE based so you will not have to do anything other than simple registration, you aren't going to receive SPAM or unwanted mail from the site. It's important to let those over there know that we at home want them to come home safe and I can't say thank you enough to the USMC for initiating this service.

Now, on to the 'diet'. Yesterday I managed a total intake of 4tsp. of VCO. I also managed to down 2 'lemonades' of ACV. That is NOT an easy feat. I'm thinking that's all I'm ever going to manage. I keep thinking it's going to set my stomach on fire, but it's actually acting just the opposite and calms my acid reflux and the stomach ache I had after eating at Burger King last night.

I don't really measure the honey, but I've come up with a drink that is relatively palatable: 2TBS honey, 2TBS of apple cider vinegar, 1TBS lemon juice, 1/8tsp of baking soda. I put the first 2 ingredients in a coffee cup and heat it in the microwave for 18 seconds. Then I add the other 2 ingredients and top the cup off with cold water from my Brita tank. Some sites recommend drinking through a straw, some also suggest that you sip the 'tea' over the course of an hour. Personally, I'm finding it easier to drink it like I drink my normal hot tea and it's consummed within 10-15 minutes tops.

Effects? Disgusting as it is to talk about it, as of today, I'm at least having bowel movements which has been one of my biggest problems since the birth of the twins. I almost didn't have coffee this morning, because for the first time in 20yrs, I just didn't wake up super groggy. Now, I'm guessing that is because I had that last 'lemonade' around 10pm last night and honey is a natural energy booster. I slept extremely well the past 2 nights as well, which is unusual.

My scale never seems to give me an accurate reading. At 8am yesterday morning I weighed 158, at 9am I weighed 161. This morning at 8:30am I weighed 157.5. Interesting. My typical weight is around 163 (since the twins thank you very much!) so I'm going to start basing my daily weight against that number. I'm not expecting miracles mind you, but supposedly VCO is one of the things that helps regulate hypothyroidism. I kinda think that might be my problem. Of course, I am going to be 39 this year so age definitely is a factor and I'm keeping that in mind.


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Funny how I managed to forget all my login information.

I'm on a mission. I MUST lose some weight. It's been a major battle since the twins were born, they took an enormous toll on my body. Nothing has been easy since then, but losing weight has been a nightmare. Over the past 6 years, I have starved myself, gone carb free, gone sugar free, been liquified & pureed, and avoided fats of all kinds... all to no avail. I was a lovely size 7 before I got pregnant with the twins. Now granted, I'm almost 40 now, I don't ever expect to see that number pop into my life again unless it's a birthday for a future grandchild. I'd be happy with a size 9. That's fairly reasonable don't you think?

Now that I majored in all the fad diets and still weigh the exact same as I did the day I gave birth to those little bundles of joy, I'm going to give the oddball diets a shot. I've purchased a 16oz. container of Virgin Coconut Oil. Tonight is the start of a 'cleansing' of sorts.

I'm starting after dinner (right now actually) with a mixed up tea. 2TBLS Apple Cider Vinegar & 1TBLS of honey. I added about 1/4tsp of baking soda to this odd combo to counter the acid reflux that I tend to have so badly in the evening. The 'tea' isn't actually horrid like you might think. I souped it up a bit and added part of my evening glass of ice tea to top the cup off. When I finish sipping this, I'll go on with my usual evening routine of 2 cups of hot green tea (I admit a serious addiction to green tea... Sobe ROCKS man!). To the first cup of hot tea I'm going to add 1tsp of the VCO.

Seriously I've been thinking about doing both a colon cleansing and a liver cleansing, but I think I'm going to hold off on that for a month to see what happens with just adding the ACV drink 3x a day and the VCO 3x a day will do. Maybe nothing. I tend to be optimistic, but I've come to the conclusion that while I may not be happy with my weight I can rejoice in the fact that although I can't seem to lose the excess I don't GAIN more!

This is my journey and I can't wait to see how it ends.