Friday, October 06, 2006

Twins Legislation This is currently my favorite site on the web. I spend way too much time there... I'm ticked as hell that the politicians in Georgia are all too keen to pass the buck on this issue. I know that there are a lot more issues that are more pressing, but as the mother of multiples this is at the top of MY list at the moment. Education is way too important to be screwed up by the system and that's what is happening when multiples are involved. They ARE special need children even if they do not have mental or physical disabilities. They were born together for a reason and the schools do not acknowledge that fact. Help the multiples in Georgia by signing our online petition at Georgia Twins. You do not need to be a resident of Georgia, you do not need to be the parent or relative of multiples, every signature helps. As I've told everyone on my email lists, pass it on!!!! Urge everyone you know to sign one or more of the petions for the Twin Bill. Last time I checked, I gave birth to these kids, not the school board, what gives them the right to presume they know my children better than I do?