Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Thoughts on love.

My head reels and my heart never ceases pounding whenever I think of my FIRST love. Over the years I've come to the conclusion that, yes, it's very possible to love more than one man with every ounce of your being. The differences lie within the very same qualities each of those men may possess. In my case, I've married someone that is uncannily similar to the man I've loved for as long as I can remember. I love my husband. I would never even consider leaving him for another man, UNLESS said husband gave me a damn good reason. Would I ever commit adultery while married to this man? Given the opportunity and should I be wanted as well, with the first love, yes I would.

I'm not a bad person. I'm a bitch, I readily admit that to those that think they are hurting my feelings by calling me such a name. My mother recently admitted to me that when people call her a bitch she says, "no, she's in Georgia", no it didn't hurt my feelings that my own mother considers me such. It's who I am, it's what makes ME individual from all the other women out there. I'm not beautiful, I'm not overly witty, I'm most certainly not a saint. I am reasonably attractive, I've a caustic sense of humour, I commit random acts of kindness on a daily basis. I love life and I live vividly.

Back to my husband, he's exactly what I want in a man. He's almost a perfect likeness of the other man. They share the same sign, same colouring, same character of nature and I'll be damned if their names aren't close as well. It was an unintentional act upon my part I assure you. I believe everyone has a soul mate, mine is currently residing in Mississippi although I will spend the rest of my life with the man in Georgia. It's a matter of destiny if you will. My heart belongs to both of them. I would never be able to choose between them and should I ever have to make that decision I have no doubt that I would turn away from them both.
I'm slowly learning to live with these tumultuous emotions that lie so close to the surface that I feel I'm about to drown. It's not easy. Not at all. But, it is possible. I think it's simply a matter of acceptance. The first love and I have not had much luck with crossing paths at opportune times. If I'm married/with someone else, he's not. If he's married/with someone else, I'm not. See? Maybe unconciously I chose my husband because he so much resembles the other man. Maybe not. I do know this. In the next life, the other will be my husband and this one will be the other.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

WTF is wrong with Mark Foley? Could this man possibly be any dumber? 52 years old and putting the blame on a Catholic priest who sexually abused him when he was a child. Unfreakinbelievable! That makes his own actions acceptable? I think I'm still in shock over the fact that Foley thinks by naming the person who abused him will make it a less perverse act. I'm thinking that if this alleged abuse really happened, then why did Foley not come forward until so many years after the fact and why only in the face of his own dishonor? Politicians are along the lines of car salesmen, they are all liars, they are all crooks and they are the best damn actors on the face of the earth. Disgusting.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

I finished this hpl shawl (my own design, thank you very much) about a month ago. I didn't take time to work out the math on the different strip lengths so I ended up scrumbling the edges to make it uniform. I think this would work VERY well as a straight line shawl, would certainly be much easier to work than the triangular shape I was hoping to achieve. The scalloped border helps a lot though.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Twins Legislation This is currently my favorite site on the web. I spend way too much time there... I'm ticked as hell that the politicians in Georgia are all too keen to pass the buck on this issue. I know that there are a lot more issues that are more pressing, but as the mother of multiples this is at the top of MY list at the moment. Education is way too important to be screwed up by the system and that's what is happening when multiples are involved. They ARE special need children even if they do not have mental or physical disabilities. They were born together for a reason and the schools do not acknowledge that fact. Help the multiples in Georgia by signing our online petition at Georgia Twins. You do not need to be a resident of Georgia, you do not need to be the parent or relative of multiples, every signature helps. As I've told everyone on my email lists, pass it on!!!! Urge everyone you know to sign one or more of the petions for the Twin Bill. Last time I checked, I gave birth to these kids, not the school board, what gives them the right to presume they know my children better than I do?

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Sitting here watching CNN's report on the children of Romania. How sad. Yet one more thing to add to my list of things to do should I ever win the lottery... so yeah, I know that's not going to happen, but it's definitely worth dreaming about.

It made me think about the whole immigration controversy in the last few months. I personally do not have anything against anyone coming from another country to try to improve their lives. What I have a problem with is the cultural habits. That is why mexican laborers accept such smaller salaries that the good ol' American working class. Mexican's don't think twice about having multiple families living in one house. In the apartment complex I lived in in Atlanta, my next door neighbors consisted of one actual married couple, their 4 children and 4 adult men. They lived in a 2 bedroom apt!!!!! Of course they could afford to make the rent, they had 5 incomes! This is where the problem lies. Apartments claim to screen their tenants, make all adults sign the lease... yeah right! Not at that one and not at 2 other complexes I've lived in the past. This is what fucks up our economy. This is why middle class families suffer so much these days. Lou Dobbs called it, he stated every single thing that I've had on my mind for years. Gooooooooooooooooo Lou! Give 'em hell and call it straight up!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

This is something I'm quite proud of and I was ecstatic when I realized that I did have copies saved on my computer! Took a while and some thinking to find them since I tend to put things where I'll find them, then forget... silly, I know.

My best friend (since elementary school!) has the most gorgeous little girl named Bailey. This is the afghan that I designed for her. Not quite completed at the time of the picture, obviously. I can't seem to find a picture of the completed blanket. It's a perfect afghan for putting at the end of a little girl's bed. Actually, it's just perfect!

I designed this adorable baby afghan for one of my 'adopted' kids' new baby. Buuuut... since the monster hasn't come by in about a month, I'm sending it to Bailey. This will be a belated birthday present for her and the best thing about this one is that it's small enough for her to carry around wherever she may want to take it, yet large enough to cover her comfortably if she decides to nap. What 4yo naps these days though? Mine certainly didn't!